Downtown Greens pursuing 56-acre site
A Fredericksburg-based nonprofit is under contract to purchase a 56-acre property in the Battlefield Industrial Park off State Route 3.
Downtown Greens, which is “a nonprofit founded in downtown Fredericksburg with a mission to foster community involvement and growth by protecting and nurturing urban greenspace through collaborative environmental stewardship and experiential education,” is under contract to buy the property along Belman Road and Tyler Street.
The current owner is Technautics LLC. The City of Fredericksburg, working with the Fredericksburg Economic Development Authority, recently acquired a 4-acre parcel from Technautics that adjoins the City Shop property at Tyler and Belman. That land will accommodate future expansions for the City Shop and City Schools transportation division.
Downtown Greens has a vision for the “unparalleled 56-acre parcel of land” that includes conservation, farming, agricultural education, passive recreation and more. Downtown Greens needs to raise significant funds for the acquisition over the next few months and has begun a campaign. Click here for the organization’s fundraising brochure.