FXBG Comprehensive Plan update, we want your input
Updating the Comprehensive Plan is predicated on a robust community conversation that provides the opportunity for participation, visioning, and engagement as the update is developed. Thanks to all who have attended any of the several great events around the City this summer and to those who have taken the survey or otherwise provided their input so far! Exciting updates are happening over on the FXBG Forward – Comprehensive Plan Update page. Head on over and take some time to interact with the Public Comment Map where you can drop your thoughts right on the map. You may also scroll through the City’s latest demographic / economic data and projections right on the site.
**** If you haven’t yet, please take the this survey about your views on the City ****
We look forward to talking more with you all as this process continues and please forward this information on to anyone you know who would be interested in the future of the City!
Mike Craig, Principal Planner, Community Planning & Building