Council adopts FXBG economic development plan
Fredericksburg City Council on Tuesday unanimously adopted a strategic plan that will guide the City’s economic development efforts for the next five years.
The Fredericksburg Economic Development Strategic Plan includes 10 goals, each of which has three action items. The City worked with Richmond-based Chmura Economics & Analytics on the plan. The goals are:
- Goal #1: Recruit new businesses to the City
- Goal #2: Develop pro-business policies
- Goal #3: Enhance the City’s tourism operation, with a focus on sports tourism
- Goal #4: Enhance public infrastructure that will drive tourism and business growth
- Goal #5: Redevelop areas of City consistent with Small Area Plans
- Goal #6: Maximize the potential of the City’s few remaining greenfield sites
- Goal #7: Help create a competitive workforce
- Goal #8: Enhance the City’s marketing strategy
- Goal #9: Help develop an entrepreneurial ecosystem
- Goal #10: Analyze City-owned real estate
Fredericksburg’s Economic Development Authority also has unanimously endorsed the plan.