Sky Trail & Zipline opens at Fun Land of Fredericksburg

January 24, 2022 | by | Articles |

Adventure park inside of building.Last week, employees of the Fredericksburg Department of Economic Development and Tourism conquered our collective fear of heights by testing the new Sky Trail & Zip Line at Fun Land of Fredericksburg. We hopped across the pads, making sure to not wobble too much. We held and stepped onto the firm ropes, watching our foot placement as we climbed across. We lined up the wheels on our harnesses, and flew down the zip line. And if any of us fell off the path, we knew that if we sat down in the air, our harnesses would keep us safe. That we could feel both exhilarated and safe at the same time is a testament to the precise accomplishment of this exciting new ropes course at Fun Land. 

The Sky Trail was constructed directly above the arcade games of Fun Land, elevated to the right height to preserve both safety and space. Priced at $10, Sky Trail consists of 26 elements plus the zipline. Once you have left the base of the ropes course, you can spend as much time as you want up there. Clint Novak, General Manager of Fun Land, is thrilled to share such an interactive adventure with the people of Fredericksburg and beyond. “It’s not something you’re going to ride,” Novak said, “It’s something you’re going to experience.”

The complexity of the Sky Trail is what makes it so fun. As Novak points out, there is no set path along the course. “It’s kind of a Choose Your Own Adventure,” he said. Similar to the Clip’N Climb rock wall, Sky Trail is more than a game; it’s meant to challenge (almost) as much as to entertain. Novak believes Sky Trail will attract a wide range of guests, from children, to adults who want to take their children, to adults who simply want to experience the ropes course themselves. 

As we flew across the zipline, our rush of adrenaline made us realize that Fun Land had a special attraction to unveil. Or as Novak puts it, “You get to go up there and hang out, literally.”

Sky Trail and Zip Line was unveiled on Saturday, January 22nd, and is now open to the public. You can buy tickets today, and follow Fun Land on Facebook.