FXBG Focal Point, July 2022
Here are some news items from the Fredericksburg business community in July:
- The George Washington Regional Commission, in partnership with local member jurisdictions along with the Rappahannock Tribe, is updating the Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan. This plan is intended to help citizens and governments in the region understand the risk of natural hazards, and how to mitigate these risks in the future. For more information and the survey link view the recent press release.
- Integral Federal, a fast-growing government contractor that’s focused on intelligence analysis and advanced IT solutions, has opened a roughly 850-square-foot office at 1001 Charles Street in downtown Fredericksburg (near the corner of William Street).
- Fredericksburg-based Atkinson Aeronautics & Technology Inc. is one of 11 companies that was recently selected to participate in the Virginia Economic Development Partnership’s two-year Virginia Leaders in Export Trade (VALET) program. The VALET program assists Virginia companies that are committed to international exporting as a growth strategy. Atkinson is headquartered at 1671 Emancipation Highway, Suite 203.
The Department of Economic Development and Tourism will publish FXBG Focal Point at the end of each month. Send submissions to Economic Development Specialist Amy Peregoy at [email protected].
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